1. Yen, Jui-Hung, Kuo-Hsiung Lin, Yei-Shung Wang, 1995, Accumulation and Elimination of Herbicides Butachlor, Chlomethoxyfen and Thiobencarb by Black Silver Carp. The 15th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference. Tsukuba, Japan, July 24-28.
2. 林建彰, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1995, 除草劑達有龍、理有龍及愛速隆對土壤呼吸作用之影響, 八十四年度中華民國雜草學會學術研討會, 台中.
3. 陳信偉, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1996, 台灣北部土壤之二氧化碳釋放及其影響因子, 八十五年度中華民國雜草學會學術研討會, 台中.
4. Huang,Yu-Tzu, Jui-Hung Yen, Yei-Shung Wang, 1997, Study on the extraction of organophosphorus inseccticides from soil by supercritical fluid extraction. ASIANALYSIS IV. Fukuoka, Japan.
5. Yen, Jui-Hung, Kuo-Hsiung Lin and Yei-Shung Wang, 1998, Potential of the insecticide methamidophos and acephate to contaminate groundwater, The 9th International congress pesticide chemistry (The food-environment challenge), London, UK.
6. 戴國棟,顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1998, 有機磷殺蟲劑芬滅松光學活性物之分離,分解及毒性,中國農業化學會第卅六次會員大會暨學術研討會台北.
7. 蘇正昌, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1999, 三唑系農藥在環境中之消退研究, 中國農業化學會第卅七次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
8. 蔡佳君, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1999, 有機磷殺蟲劑福賜松鏡像異構物之分離與毒性, 中國農業化學會第卅七次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
9. 徐民豐, 陳意銘, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1999, 二仁溪河川底泥性質與多氯聯苯分佈情況之研究, 中國農業化學會第卅七次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
10. 徐民豐, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 1999, 掩埋場滲出水之溫室氣體排放及減量對策, 溫室氣體通量測定及減量對策研討會論文集, 國立台灣大學全球變遷中心主辦, 台北, 147-161.
11. Chen, Hsin-Chien, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of aniline herbicide pendimehtalin and oryzalin in soils, International Symposium on Weed Biodiversity, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 25.
12. Yen, Jui-Hung, Hsin-Chien Chen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of aniline herbicide trifluralin and benfluralin in soils, International Symposium on Weed Biodiversity, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 49.
13. Sheu, Wei-Shin, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of herbicide oxyfluorfen in subtropical soils and its potential to contaminate groundwater, International Symposium on Weed Biodiversity, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 40.
14. Yen, Jui-Hung, Sheu Wei-Shin and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Potential of the herbicide fluazifop-butyl to contaminate groundwater in subtropical area, International Symposium on Weed Biodiversity, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 47.
15.Chen, Hsin-Chien, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of herbicide pendimehtalin and oryzalin in soils, Proceeding of International Workshop on Pesticides 2000, Taichung, Taiwan, 226.
16. Yen, Jui-Hung, Hsin-Chien Chen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of herbicide trifluralin and benfluralin in soils, Proceeding of International Workshop on Pesticides 2000, Taichung, Taiwan, 227.
17. Sheu, Wei-Shin, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Dissipation of herbicide oxyfluorfen in soils and its potential to contaminate groundwater, Proceeding of International Workshop on Pesticides 2000, Taichung, Taiwan, 228.
18. Yen, Jui-Hung, Sheu Wei-Shin and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Potential of the herbicide fluazifop-butyl to contaminate groundwater, Proceeding of International Workshop on Pesticides 2000, Taichung, Taiwan, 228.
19. Yen, Jui-Hung, Min-Fon Hsu and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Relationship between polychlorinated biphenyls residue and organic carbon content of Er-Jen river sediments in southern Taiwan, Proceeding of the 20th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Monterey, California, USA., 46, 377-379.
20. Chang, Fang-Cheng, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2000, Study on the biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls by indigenous aerobic microorganisms in Taiwan, Proceeding of the 20th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants & POPs, Monterey, California, USA, 45, 392-395.
21. 陳新傑, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2000, 除草劑三福林、倍尼芬、施得圃及歐拉寧在環境中之消散, 中國農業化學會第卅八次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
22. 張芳誠, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2000, 台灣地區本土好氧性混合菌對多氯聯苯生物性分解作用之研究, 中國農業化學會第卅八次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
23. 謝國慶, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2000, 有機磷殺蟲劑賽達松鏡像異構物之分離及毒性, 中國農業化學會第卅八次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
24. 許渭鑫, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2000, 除草劑復祿芬及伏寄普在茶園土壤中之消散, 中國農業化學會第卅八次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
25. Wang, Yei-Shung, Kao-Yung Lin and Jui-Hung Yen, 2001, Propeteies of metal-containing ethylene bisdithiocarbamate fungicides nabam and zineb in alkaline solutiono, Proceedings of ICOBTE 2001 conference (6th International coonference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 409.
26. 張秀齡, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2001, 醯胺類除草劑在不同土壤中的吸附、降解及移動之研究, 中國農業化學會第卅九次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
27. 張芳誠, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2001, 多氯聯苯暴露於紫外光下之降解情況與途徑, 中國農業化學會第卅九次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
28. 方鶴岩, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2001, 除草劑達有龍、理有龍、愛速隆及甲基合氯氟在土壤中之消散, 中國農業化學會第卅九次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
29. Sheu, Wei-Shin, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2001, Dissipation of herbicide oxyfluorfen in subtropical soils and its potential to contaminate groundwater, Paroceedings II, The 18th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Socitty Conference, Beijing, P. R. China, 888.
30. Yen, Jui-Hung, Hsin-Chien Chen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2001, Dissipation of aniline herbicide trifluralin and benfluralin in soils, Paroceedings II, The 18th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Socitty Conference, Beijing, P. R. China, 892.
31. 王一雄, 顏瑞泓, 2001, 有機磷農藥芬滅松、福賜松及賽達松之鏡像異構體性質及其生物活性研究, 毒理學會大會, 台北.
32. Yen, Jui-Hung, Hoy-Yen Fang and Yei-Shung Wang, 2002, Dissipation of diuron, linuron and isouron in the soil, 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection, Basel, Switzerland, 5c23, 143.
33. Wang, Yei-Shung, Show-Lin Chang and Jui-Hung Yen, 2002, Adsorption, movement and dissipation of acetanilide herbicides in soils, 10th IUPAC International Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection, Basel, Switzerland, 5b14, 90.
34 Chang, Fang-Cheng, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2002, Dechlorination of PCBs by UV irradiation in water and their correlative of the charge distribution on carbon atom, Dioxin 2002, 22nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Barcelona, Spain, 58, 13-16.
35. Chiu, Tzu-Chuan, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2002, Degradation of DDT and heptachlor by indigenous microorganisms from river sediment of Taiwan, Dioxin 2002, 22nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Barcelona, Spain, 58, 17-20.
36. Yen, Jui-Hung, Tzu-Chuan Chiu and Yei-Shung Wang, 2002, Anaerobic biodegradation of aldrin and dieldrin by microorganisms, Dioxin 2002, 22nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Barcelona, Spain, 58, 25-28.
37. Chang, Fang-Cheng, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2002, The PCBs degrading ability microorganisms isolated from er-jen river in Taiwan, Dioxin 2002, 22nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Barcelona, Spain, 58, 21-24.
38. 蔡碧雯, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2002, 添加有機植體對除草劑在土壤中消失與移動之影響, 中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
39. 梁雅芳, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2002, 加保利在茶園土壤中之消散, 中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
40. 溫致遠, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2002, 殺菌劑依普同對土壤菌相的影響, 中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
41. 劉姿伶, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2002, 除蟲菊光學異構物之分離及其毒性分析, 中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
42. 張芳誠, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2002, 台灣本土微生物對多氯聯苯之好氧降解作用, 中國農業化學會第四十次會員大會暨學術研討會, 台北.
43. Tzu-Chuan Chiu, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2003, The effect of besa and molybdate on degradation of organochlorine pesticides aldrin and dieldrin, Dioxin 2003, 23nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Boston, USA, 63, 304-307.
44.Tzu-Chuan Chiu, Yar-Ning Hsieh, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2003, Influence of organochlorine pesticide DDT on changE bacterial community in river sediment under anaerobic conditions, Dioxin 2003, 23nd International symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants and pops, Boston, USA, 64, 395-398.
45. Tzu-Chuan Chiu, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2004, Effect of microbial inhibitors on anaerobic degradation of DDT, Dioxin 2004, 24th Internation symposium on halogenated envrionmental organic pollutants and pops, Berlin, Germany, CD-rom ID: 045.
46. Tzu-Chuan Chiu, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2004, Anaerboic microbial degradation of organochlorine insecticides aldrin, Dioxin 2004, 24th Internation symposium on halogenated envrionmental organic pollutants and pops, Berlin, Germany, CD-rom ID: 046.
47. 陳玟瑾, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2004, 除草劑丁基拉草施用對土壤中固氮菌菌相的影響, 中華民國雜草學會第十二屆大會成果發表會, 台北.
48. 陳炳勝, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2004, 具降解醯胺類農藥能力菌株於土壤中之適應性研究, 中華民國雜草學會第十二屆大會成果發表會, 台北.
49. 黃玉如, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2004, 施用除草劑嘉磷塞對土壤細菌菌群的影響, 中華民國雜草學會第十二屆大會成果發表會, 台北.
50. 陳佩祺, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2004, 厭氧混合菌對除草劑丁基拉草與施得圃之降解, 中華民國雜草學會第十二屆大會成果發表會, 台北.
51. 許渭鑫, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2005, 市售蚊蟲忌避劑商品、敵避及IR3535對白線斑蚊及埃及斑蚊寄主搜尋行為的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十三屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
52. 陳炳勝, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧,王一雄, 2005, 施用具降解醯胺類除草劑能力菌株於田間適應性之研究, 台灣農業化學會第四十三屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
53. 陳佩祺, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧,王一雄, 2005, 厭氧混合菌群對安殺番與丁基拉草降解行為之研究, 台灣農業化學會第四十三屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
54. 廖健森, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2005, Effects of Endocrine Disruptor Di-n-butyl phthalate on Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis), 台灣農業化學會第四十三屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣. (優良壁報論文獎)
55. Liao, Chien-Sen, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2005, Proteome Level Differences between Normal and DBP treated Bok choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis), The 2nd International Symposium of Environmental Biotechnologies on Bioremediation, Tainan, Taiwan. (Award of Oral Presentation)
56. Chiu, Tzu-Chuan, Jui-Hung Yen and Yei-Shung Wang, 2005, Methane production in anaerobic degradation of DDT and heptachlor in sediment culture under different conditions, The 25th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, Toronto, Canada.
57. 黃玉如, 顏瑞泓, 謝亞寧, 王一雄, 2006, 施用貝芬替, 賓克隆和益達胺對土壤細菌族群結構的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十四屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
58. 廖健森, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2006, Effects of Endocrine Disruptor Di-n-butyl phthalate, on the Physiology of Green stem Bok choy, 台灣農業化學會第四十四屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
59. 廖文誠, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2006, 多溴連苯醚在底泥菌群中的降解與所造成的菌群變化, 台灣農業化學會第四十四屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
60. 許渭鑫, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2006, 八種植物萃取物對白線斑蚊忌避效應之研究, 台灣農業化學會第四十四屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
61. 陳玟瑾, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2006, 除草劑丁基拉草施用對稻田土壤中固氮能力與微生物多樣性的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十四屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
62. Jui-Hung Yen, Wen-chen Liao and Yei-Shung Wang, 2006, Degradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments of Er-Jen river and Nan-Kan river basin in Taiwan, The 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, Oslo, Norway. V68, 2015-2018.
63. Jui-Hung Yen, Tzu-Chuan Chiu and Yei-Shung Wang, 2006, Change of soil bacterial community by incubating with persistance insecicide aldrin under anaerobic sediment culture, The 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, Oslo, Norway. V68, 1585-1588.
64. 黃瀚慶, 廖健森, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2007, 環境荷爾蒙-鄰苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯對空心菜及萵苣生理之影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十五屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
65. 廖健森, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2007, 環境荷爾蒙-鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯對青江菜葉部組織蛋白質體的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十五屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
66. 何偉豪, 王一雄, 顏瑞泓, 2007, 尿素系殺蟲劑二福隆, 福芬隆及諾伐隆於土壤中的消散作用及其對土壤微生物菌相的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十五屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
67. 林倩如, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2007, 三種環境荷爾蒙-鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物對土壤細菌族群的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十五屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
68. 林豊祺, 王一雄, 顏瑞泓, 2009, 兩種硫醯尿素類除草劑於土壤中的消散及對土壤細菌族群結構的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十七屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
69. 潘泊原, 王一雄, 顏瑞泓, 2009, 奈米態的TiO2, SiO2及Al2O3對環境中非目標生物的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十七屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
70. 盧俊廷, 王一雄, 顏瑞泓, 2009, 殺菌劑免克寧及其降解產物在土壤中之降解與對土壤菌相之影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十七屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
71. 金煜凱, 顏瑞泓, 2010, 免克寧代謝產物降解及對土壤菌相與生物毒性探討, 台灣農業化學會第四十八屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
72. Wen-Ching Chen, Yei-Shung Wang, Jui-Hung Yen, 2010. The phylogenic changes in diazotrophic population under butachlor application in paddy soil. the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, abs#670.
73. Bing-Sheng Chen, Hsin-Chien Chen and Jui-Hung Yen, 2010. Dissipation of herbicides pendimethalin and oryzalin in soils. the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, abs#671.
74. Yu-ling Hsiao, Wei-hao Ho, and Jui-Hung Yen, 2010. The dissipation of diflubenzuron in soils and the effect on soil bacterial communities. the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, abs#676.
75. Chung-Ting Lu, Yei-Shung Wang, and Jui-Hung Yen, 2010. The impacts of vinclozolin on soil bacterial communities. the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, abs#687.
76. Chien-Liang Liu, Chia-Yin Wang, Jui-Hung Yen, 2010. Primary analysis of multi pesticide residues in Chinese herbal crude drug material. the 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, abs#700.
77. 李志展, 顏瑞泓, 2011, 施用三種殺菌劑於茶園土壤中對除草劑達有龍之降解及土壤菌相的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十九屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
78. 徐芳瑜, 顏瑞泓, 2011, 添加植體對除草劑施得圃在土壤中的消散及土壤菌相的影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十九屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
79. 張靜淑, 陳玟瑾, 顏瑞泓, 王一雄, 2011, 入侵紅火蟻防治用藥-百利普芬影響土壤生態環境之研究, 台灣農業化學會第四十九屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
80. 蕭鈺齡, 顏瑞泓, 2011, The vertical movement and distribution of diflubenzuron in soils and the effects on bacterial community of different soil layers. 台灣農業化學會第四十九屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
81. 陳炳勝, 顏瑞泓, 2011, 環境荷爾蒙-壬基酚對植物生理之影響, 台灣農業化學會第四十九屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
82. 陳炳勝, 顏瑞泓, 2012, Effect of Endocrine Disruptor Nonylphenol on Physiologic Features and Proteome during Growth in Arabidopsis thaliana, 台灣農業化學會第五十屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
83. 蕭鈺齡, 顏瑞泓, 2012, 以高效能液相層析儀分離二氮雜戊烯類除草劑依滅草之鏡相異構物及其對水生無脊椎生物毒性之研究, 台灣農業化學會第五十屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
84. 吳昀軒, 顏瑞泓, 2012, 環境荷爾蒙殺菌劑免克寧影響端族蟲 (Hyalella azteca) 基因表現差異之研究, 台灣農業化學會第五十屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
85. Bing-Sheng Chen, Fang-Yu Hsu ,and Jui-Hung Yen, 2012. Effects of plants materials on the dissipation of herbicide pendimethalin in soil and its microbial communities. the 14th International Society for Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Demark, abs # 097B.
86. Chien-Liang Liu, Fang-Yu Hsu, and Jui-Hung Yen, 2012. Effect of amending green manures and herbicide pendimethalin on soil microbial communities. the 14th International Society for Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Demark, abs # 151B.
87. Yun-Hsuan Wu, Chung-Ting Lu, Yu-Kai Chin, and Jui-Hung Yen, 2012. The impacts of vinclozolin on soil microbial population. the 14th International Society for Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Demark, abs # 225B.
88. Yu-Hua Hsiao, Zhi-Zhan Li, and Jui-Hung Yen, 2012. Effect of three fungicides on degradation of diuron in tea field soil and impacts on soil bacterial community. the 14th International Society for Microbial Ecology, Copenhagen, Demark, abs # 125B.
89. 江佩津, 顏瑞泓, 2014, 混合施用農藥對於水中非目標生物之毒性影響, 台灣農業化學會第五十二屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
90. 吳淑憓, 顏瑞泓, 2014, 建立HPLC-ICP-MS分析有機錫農藥之方法, 台灣農業化學會第五十二屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
91. Ching-Chun Hsieh, Yu-Hua Hsiao, Jui-Hung Yen, 2014. Effects of fungicide and insecticide mixed application on their degradation in soils. the 13th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, San Francisco, California, abs#700.
92. Yu-Hsin Hsiung, Jui-Hung Yen, 2017. Microbial degradation of oxadiazon and thiobencarb by dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria Shewanella spp. KR12 under anoxic condition. The 26 th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, abs#024.
93. Po-Yu Lai , Zhi-Zhan Li and Jui-Hung Yen, 2017. Effects of benomyl and diuron mixed application on their degradation in tea field soil and impacts on soil bacterial community. The 26 th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, abs#022.
94. Chung-An Tan , Wen-Ching Chen , Fang-Yu Hsu , and Jui-Hung Yen, 2017. Effect of green manure amendment on the dissipation of pendimethalin and changes in soil microbial communities. The 26 th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, abs#023.
95. Bo-You Liao, Yu-Ling Hsiao and Jui-Hung Yen, 2017. Effects of enantioselective imazapyr on resistant strain Arabidopsis thaliana GH90. The 26 th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kyoto, Japan, abs#041.
96. C. K. Tyan, J. H. Yen, 2019. Lethal effect of insecticide imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos and azoxystrobin on two sediment ecological indicator species (amphipod and chironomid), the 14th international IUPAC conference of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, Abstract ID: 25. May 19-24, 2019.
97. Y. H. Chan, J. H. Yen 2019. Enantioselective effects of plant growth regulator paclobutrazol on Arabidopsis thaliana, the 14th international IUPAC conference of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, Abstract ID: 12. May 19-24, 2019.
98. L. Y. Yang, P. C. Chiang, J. H. Yen, 2019. Toxic effects of pesticide mixed application on non-target aquatic organisms. the 14th international IUPAC conference of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, Abstract ID: 11. May 19-24, 2019.
99. C. C. Yu, H. P. Wang, J. H. Yen, 2019. The effects of pesticide residues on natural enemies (Mallada basalis and Eocanthecona furcellata) in strawberry pest management, the 14th international IUPAC conference of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, Abstract ID: 28. May 19-24, 2019.
100. Y. J. Chen, Y. T. Chao, J. H. Yen, 2019. The joint effects of pyrethroids fenvalerate and four other fungicides on Hyalella azteca, the 14th international IUPAC conference of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, Abstract ID: 10. May 19-24, 2019.
101. Yen-JR, Chen, Yu-Hsin
Hsiung and Jui-Hung Yen,
2019. Microbial degradation of herbicides ametryn and
diuron by dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria Shewanella spp. KR12. The 27th
Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Sep.
2-6, 2019.
102. Liang-Yu Yang, Pei-Chi Chen and Jui-Hung Yen, 2019, Study on biodegradation of butachlor by anaerobic microbial community. The 27th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Sep. 2-6, 2019.
103. Wei-Chen Chuang, Shao-Kai Lin, Chen-Hua Huang, Ttsyr-Horng Shyu and Jui-Hung Yen, 2023, Developing a method for metaldehyde residue analysis on agricultural products. the 15th IUPAC international congress of Crop Protectione Chemistry, New Delhi, India. Mar. 14-17, 2023.
104. Hui-Yuan Cheng, Tsyr-Horng Shyu, Jui-Hung Yen*, 2023, Dietary risk assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural products based on monitoring data in Taiwan. the 15th IUPAC international congress of Crop Protectione Chemistry, New Delhi, India. Mar. 14-17, 2023.
105. 林思惟, 顏瑞泓, 2023, 三種農藥對水田土壤碳循環之影響, 台灣農業化學會第六十一屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣.
106. 黃鈺涵, 顏瑞泓, 2023, 化學農藥與免登記植物保護資材對土壤指標生物 (蚯蚓) 之毒性影響, 台灣農業化學會第六十一屆會員大會論文集, 台北, 台灣. (conference award)